A very thought-provoking novel. Imagine a perfect world without the hassles of conflicts nor war, without indecision nor ambiguity because everything is decided and chosen for you, without racism nor poverty because everyone is the same, and without pain nor disease because everything has a cure and a solution. This is the community where Jonas grew up, until he turned twelve, the year he is appointed the honor of being the next Receiver of Memory. As the memories pass to him from The Giver, he discovers and feels for the first time such things as color, music, belonging, loving, and having to make a choice between staying or leaving.
'It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened. No. Wrong word. Jonas thought. Frightened meant that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible about to happen.'(opening lines)
'Mirrors were rare in the community; they weren't forbidden, but there was no real need of them, and Jonas had simply never bothered to look at himself very often even when he found himself in a location where a mirror existed. Now, seeing the newchild and its expression, he was reminded that the light eyes were not only a rarity but gave the one who had them a certain look-- what was it? Depth, he decided;'(21)
'Stirrings. He had heard the word before. He remembered that there was a reference to the Stirrings in the Book of Rules, though he didn't remember what it said. And now and then the Speaker mentioned it. ATTENTION. A REMINDER THAT STIRRINGS MUST BE REPORTED IN ORDER FOR TREATMENT TO TAKE PLACE.(37)
"If you don't fit in, you can apply for Elsewhere and be released. My mother says that once, about ten years ago, someone applied and was gone the next day."(48)
'With the chant, Jonas, knew, the community was accepting him and his new role, giving him life, the way they had given it to the newchild Caleb. His heart swelled with gratitude and pride.
But at the same time he was filled with fear. He did not know what this selection meant. He did not know what he was to become.
Or what would become of him.'(64)
'5. From this moment you are are prohibited from dream-telling...
7. You are not permitted to apply for release.
8. You may lie.'(68)
'Sometimes I wish they'd ask for my wisdom more often-- there are so many things I could tell them; things I wish they would change. But they don't want change. Life here is so orderly, predictable-- so painless. It's what they've chosen.'(103)
"I knew that there had been times in the past-- terrible times-- when people had destroyed others in haste, in fear, and had brought about their own destruction."(112)
"The decision was made long before my time or yours," The Giver said, "and before the previous Receiver, and... Back and back and back." Jonas repeated the familiar phrase. Sometimes it had seemed humorous to him. Sometimes it had seemed meaningful and important.'(113)
'"The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.'(154)
a Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers book
180 pages
Book owned
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